Location: Brighton, Massachusetts, United States

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Web3D News Story #1

This the Crumpet's team first news story for posting on the Web3D news site.

MIT's E-Distribution Prophecy

In this article, Chris Weaver speculates on the future of communications technology, and its impact on the 3D gaming world. This would affect the ever increasing amount of online or network games available on the market today.

Fiber optic technology, while widely used, is capable of achieving much higher transfer speeds than what is known today. The key component that currently holds optical technology back are the electric devices that are used in conjunciton with it. A switch to a 100% optical network will allow for much faster speeds. He predicts that speeds will seem instantaneous; human perception will be the slowest factor in the experience. With these faster speeds, users will be able to tap into nearly unlimited storage and processing power. This will allow for truly real time gaming, with a more detailed experience with a level of realism not yet encountered.

There is no mention of how long it will take for these advances to come. I assume it will be quite a while, because the technology has to become widespread before it can really work the way Weaver predicts. Broadband internet is not yet available in some areas of the US, and it has been around for years. I would think the timeline for things to unroll would be similar that of current high speed networking technology, because it involves a similar process of replacing the existing systems.


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